Parents Endorsement

“Xiaoqiu and her team of teachers are truly talented and supportive. They create captivating and relevant material which nurtures our children's internal motivation for learning. "

"作为一个在公立高中做了十年的中文教师,我在女儿出生时就希望能有一个有创意的、培养二十一世纪国际型人才的、 高学生们真正的语言 沟通能力的中文课堂的出现。在女儿八岁的时候,这个中文课堂终于应运而生了! 那就是晓秋老师的'中文之路'! "




Xiaoqiu has 16 years of experience teaching both K-16 students as well as world- renowned business leaders and entrepreneurs. She has been a program evaluator and researcher for Mandarin Immersion and Mandarin as a World Language Programs. She holds a Ph.D. in Child and Adolescent Development from Stanford University with research concentration on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). Her CFL research has been published in prestigious journals and featured in the media. Xiaoqiu’s experience also includes instructor & supervisor at Stanford Teacher Education Program, director of summer camps, and lead test developer for international language assessments. 

​​​​Chinese Pathway


About us

Chinese Pathway is a Mandarin language program for K6 grade students. It is:

  • Founded by instructor of pre-service Mandarin teachers & world-renowned business leaders
  • Taught by a strong teaching team of credentialed and experienced Mandarin educators
  • A dynamic and interactive approach to provide a theme & project-based learning experience